A visualisation of tragectories.

Optimising simulations to improve electronic materials design

"With their support, managing data generation using a Cylc-based approach has been both swift and seamless."
Stock image of light patterns.

Simulating quantum systems

"By investigating our code and optimising the libraries that we were using, the NeSI consultants sped up components of our code by a factor of 20."

Scaling up the analysis of simulations on nanowire stability

"This has helped me to scale up my research capabilities not only with this work, but also with future endeavours too."
NeSI Case Study Kannan Ridings University of Auckland nanowires

Heating up nanowires with HPC

"Without modern HPC servers, a lot of research today in nanotechnology, physics and science in general just wouldn’t be possible."
NeSI Case Study Victor Canela University of Auckland

Understanding the behaviours of light

"It’s a new landscape we can explore with these techniques."
NeSI Case Study Brendon Bradley QuakeCORE

Simulating earthquakes for a safer future

We understand the basic physics, but the complexity is such we can’t use intuition to understand these problems. To understand and quantify these phenomena, we need to throw a supercomputer at them.”
NeSI Case Study Blair Blakie

Bose Einstein condensate may reveal supersolid’s secrets

There have been several experimentalists that claim to have observed the supersolid state, but none of the experiments have been clear enough to make the claim unequivocal.
Annika Seppala NeSI case study climate simulations

Powering global climate simulations

"The fact that NeSI can provide support to things like getting the code to work puts New Zealand in an amazing position worldwide.”

Shedding new light on dark matter

“This was a computationally challenging project and would have been impossible without the serious muscle NeSI provided. The NeSI platform tied together a collaboration between scientists based in New Zealand, Australia, Norway, and the United Kingdom."

Native forests absorbing more carbon dioxide

“High resolution modelling is essential to be able to use this technique effectively in New Zealand. NeSI support opened the door for us to work with models running at the spatial resolution we need.”